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Laney College's 7th Annual Undocumented Student Action Week, Oct. 16-20

Oct 12, 2023 10:34:48 PM / by Faiza Ali

LaneyUndocuWeekStudents, faculty, and staff, get ready for Laney College's 7th Annual Undocumented Student Action Week

October 16-20th

Laney’s Undocumented Community Resource Center is hosting a series of workshops and activities in solidarity with undocumented students!

Save the dates
10/16: Our kickoff begins with national bestselling author Julissa Arce

10/17: Create a vision board and set goals in collaboration with Laney Mindset

10/18: Stay informed with the "What's Going On with DACA & Advanced Parole" webinar by Immigrant Legal Defense

10/19: Become informed on how to cultivate belonging for undocumented students in teaching and learning with California Community Colleges

10/20: Join us on our Peralta Dreamer Field Trip to UCB in collaboration with Undocumented Student Program

Tags: undocumented, Dream Act, Dreamers


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