Presentation and discussion of the Oscar Nominated movie "CRIP CAMP"
WHEN: Thursday, October 19th from 12:30pm-3pm.
WHERE: Merritt College "R" Building - Huey Newton Student Lounge
WHO: Sponsored by Merritt College Student Accessibility Services (SAS), Student Activities, and Learning Resources
FOOD: Free lunch provided for the first 30 students. Snacks for everyone!
Please spread the word.
Instructors: Please consider offering an extra credit opportunity for viewing the film.
JOIN Laney College's Poor People's Campaign for a Documentary📽️FILM Screening about the Creation of the State of Israel that Resulted in the Catastrophe of the Palestinian Nation. 1948: Creation & Catastrophe screens in person & virtually on 🗓️April 13th @ 11am 🕚 followed by Q & A with the filmmakers
1️⃣-Hour Discussion (🕧12:30pm - 1:30pm) includes additional panelists: National SJP & AROC: Arab Resource & Organizing Center
🔴More info: