Don't delay, register today!
The Peralta Community College District, Laney College Student Activities and Campus Life, and Laney College's GSA Club are partnering to host the Lavender Graduation Ceremony at Laney College Theater Auditorium at 3 pm on Friday, May 5th, 2023.
Register Now for Lavender Graduation on May 5th, 2023
Mar 23, 2023 4:24:21 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Laney College President’s Report – March 15, 2023
Mar 22, 2023 12:30:00 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Laney College Basic Needs Center
The Rescue Agency ( hosted a March 1 CalFresh College Tour pop-up event on the Laney College Quad, where students learned more about the CalFresh Program, including eligibility requirements. CalFresh is a Federally funded program that provides a partial subsidy to qualified applicants who are struggling with food insecurity. (
Laney College’s 2022-23 Free College Initiative a Success in Oakland
Mar 6, 2023 1:55:28 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
OAKLAND, Calif., March 3, 2023 – Laney College, following its "Fall is Free" and "Spring is Free" campaigns to cover higher education costs for California students, is reporting an 18% increase in the number of students from a year ago, with 33% more African American students attending as well as a 21% jump in those identifying as Latinx.
Laney College President’s Report – March 1, 2023
Mar 1, 2023 10:40:13 AM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Laney College Sees One-Year Increases of 33% and 21% in Numbers of African American, Latinx Students Served
Spring 2023 is continuing the year of change at Laney College, with 1512 more students enrolling than the year before, an 18% increase from Spring 2022. The growth at Laney is reaching the diverse communities it serves, with 507 (33%) more African American students enrolling than a year ago, as well as 494 (21%) more Latinx students.
Laney College Faculty Member Selected to U.C. Advisory Board
Feb 22, 2023 2:11:03 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Laney College extends its warmest congratulations to Journalism Professor and Journalism Department Chair Eleni Economides Gastis for her appointment to Berkeley Journalism's new Advisory Board for California Local News Fellowship Program! Professor Gastis was the only California Community College faculty member selected, which is truly an honor.
Laney Women's Track & Field Opens the Season, #2 Ranked Thrower in the State
Feb 21, 2023 12:17:26 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Last week the Laney College Women's Track & Field Team opened the season at the Jim Linthicum Invite in Cupertino. With a new group of Freshman competitors, this was the first collegiate meet for many of the team, starting a new era at Laney College.
Laney College President’s Report – February 15, 2023
Feb 16, 2023 9:34:00 AM / by Rudy Besikof -->
Laney College: Reaching Out Across the Bay
In 2023, Laney continues to act on the realization that it needs to go out into the community so that the community will attend Laney. Over the past few months, Dr. Lawrence Vanhook has taken on a community outreach role that has had the College present in various parts of Oakland, while the efforts of countless others have Laney telling its story and promoting opportunities that come with a college education in new places.
Laney College – an Open Door to the Community
Feb 1, 2023 4:56:30 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Those visiting 900 Fallon Street over the past couple months have seen a campus that is open and promoting opportunities for both school and career. Whether it is hosting a visit with a community partner or putting on open-house style events, not even inclement weather can stop the true Eagle Spirit that has driven the College through its transformational 2022-23 school year.
ACCJC Reaffirms Accreditation for All Four Colleges
Jan 26, 2023 5:39:47 PM / by Johnathan Freeman -->
Laney College President’s Report – January 25, 2023
Jan 26, 2023 2:27:00 PM / by Rudy Besikof -->
Laney College Awarded $1.4 million MESA Program Grant
Laney is honored to be selected to offer a Math, Engineering, and Science Achievement (MESA) program. With the funds received from the state totaling more than a million dollars, we will be able to provide tutoring and counseling services to many students in underrepresented communities, as well as others in these fields. Students will receive a strong foundation on which to build successful futures. We are proud to launch this initiative, which will be a collaboration with Merritt College under the terms of the grant. Special thanks to Dean of Math & Sciences Angel Fuentes Figueroa for his leadership in the successful application!