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Spring 2022 is Here...Welcome Back Students!

Welcome to the Spring 2022 semester at the Peralta Colleges!  We are so glad to have students back in person and online this semester for classes and student services.

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Fall 2021 Finals Week

Congratulations Students on making it to the Fall 2021 semester Finals Week December 11-17, 2021.  You got this! Here are the final exam schedules for each college:

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College of Alameda Student Sohail Ali Awarded Ozzie Day Scholarship

Sohail Ali was awarded the Ozzie Day Scholarship today for Fall, 2021.   Sohail has been attending the College of Alameda for four years, and will complete his Associate of Science degree in Automotive Technology next semester.   He says that he’s majoring in Automotive Technology because he “loves to fix things.”    Sohail is currently attending college full-time, while--at the same time--working part-time at an independent repair shop in San Francisco.   iH His goal is to become a certified Master tech, specializing in Engine Performance. 

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BCC student Davon Crawford wins statewide CalWORKs award

Congratulations to Berkeley City College student Davon Crawford, the winner of the 2021 CalWORKs award! Davon is a mother of four children and is studying to become a nurse. Her inspirational story and strong application helped her to win the award at a statewide level on February 25thIn March of 2021, Davon was invited by the CalWORKs Associate Board to perform as the keynote speaker on the student panel. 

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Laney College President's Report - September 14, 2021

Laney College Hosts Welcome Event for African-American Community

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College of Alameda President's Report - September 14, 2021

Fall Flex President’s Presentation to Faculty and Staff Focuses on Priorities for 2021 - 2022

Despite the challenges of the last academic year and the uncertainty of what lies ahead, College of Alameda’s faculty and staff have done some amazing work; from individual accomplishments of faculty, to the tireless and compassionate ways that faculty and staff have helped students both academically and personally.

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Merritt College President's Report - September 14, 2021

Merritt College Latest Update

Much has happened at Merritt College in the several weeks that have passed since the last President’s Report. Among other things, Merritt initiated the process of bringing students, classified professional staff members, faculty, and administrators back to campus safely. Merritt worked with our sister colleges and with the Chancellor’s Office to make great progress on the college’s ACCJC Follow-Up Report and the Teach Out Plan. And Merritt continues to support students and the institution in the face of the pandemic by utilizing HEERF funding to address pressing needs.

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BCC President's Report - September 14, 2021

Berkeley City College Enrollment Overview

BCC is offering 418 sections in fall 2021. As of today, 6,098 students have enrolled in 11,268 classes, generating a total of 1,311 FTES (1,182 resident and 139 non-resident FTES). The resident FTES represents 79% of BCC’s fall 2021 FTES target of 1,489. The average productivity rate is 13 (our goal is 17.5).

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Peralta Announces Vaccinations Required by October 7, 2021

The Peralta Community College District has announced that COVID vaccinations are required by October 7th, 2021, for both employees and for students who are coming to campus for classes. 

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Students: Welcome to the Fall 2021 Semester

Welcome to the Peralta Colleges!  Education is a powerful path to achieving health and prosperity, and I’m so pleased you have enrolled for the Fall 2021 semester at District Office here in the Peralta Community College District.

We are here to support you every step of your educational journey. Please check in with your college Student Services office for any needs you might have.

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