The Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) is visiting (virtually) the Peralta Community College District on December 16 and 17 to follow up on our Colleges’ accreditation submittals, specifically the Special Reports submitted on November 1, 2020.
While the Colleges remain fully accredited during a probationary period announced by ACCJC in January 2020, we are pleased to report that the District and Colleges are making progress on removing that probationary status.
As you may recall, the probationary status was not about academics or education, but solely about finances and organizational matters.
The ACCJC required the Colleges to provide additional evidence of financial improvement. That is exactly what College of Alameda, Berkeley City, Laney and Merritt Colleges have done, and we believe the reported results are excellent.
We are confident the colleges have addressed the ACCJC concerns and have demonstrated each campus meets the requirements to be removed from probationary status.
Each of the four Colleges reported growing enrollments and services to students through online winter and spring intersession offerings during the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, the campuses successfully conducted marketing and outreach campaigns to potential students seeking online instruction in California State University and University of California-transferable courses.
All of the four Colleges noted increases in their individual “Dual Enrollment Programs,” which offers high school students an early start on their career technical education and opportunities to earn units toward their college degree.
The Colleges partner with high schools in Oakland, Berkeley and Alameda to promote educational equity by offering empowering, transformative educational experiences to local high school students.
By increasing the Colleges’ offerings to high schools these new enrollments hopefully mean these students will have already begun their college experience by the time they graduate high school, giving them both a head start in college as well as saving them money.
Accreditation Update December 17, 2020
Dec 17, 2020 9:41:47 AM / by Mark Johnson -->
Laney College Biomanufacturing Program Awarded $96K Grant
Dec 16, 2020 8:48:28 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
The Laney Biomanufacturing BIOSCOPE program has developed from a pilot project funded with Strong Workforce Program funds into a National Science Foundation - Advanced Technological Education (NSF-ATE) grant awarded summer 2020 for 3 years. The supply chain project is a partnership between Laney College, Skyline College and BABEC ( a bioscience non profit organization that works to increase access and equity in science education) and local high schools. Laney students make supplies (pouring agar plates used in biotechnology experiments - pictured) that are then sent to local high schools for their biology classes to learn some biotechnology techniques. You can learn more about the BABEC project here.
Calling All High School Students: Come To Laney's Virtual Career Expo
Nov 24, 2020 8:27:19 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Did you know that many high-paying careers don’t require a four-year college degree? Employment options in technical fields are growing rapidly, and the opportunities are plentiful - especially at Laney College. Learn more about what the College offers at the upcoming Virtual CTE Open House and Career Expo on Friday, December 4 from 9:00am - 3:00pm.
Berkeley City, Laney and Merritt Colleges Win Prestigious State Awards
Nov 21, 2020 9:46:00 AM / by Mark Johnson -->
The Peralta Community College District is pleased to announce that Berkeley City College, Laney College, and Merritt College are being recognized for their exemplary educational work in implementing the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) programs by the Campaign for College Opportunity.
Progress Report from the Peralta Colleges on Accreditation Review
Nov 21, 2020 9:45:00 AM / by Mark Johnson -->
All four of the Peralta Colleges are fully accredited by the Accrediting Commission for Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC) and remain so during a probationary period that began in January 2020. We are pleased to report that the colleges of Peralta Community College District are making progress on removing their probationary status.
Presidents of Laney College and College of Alameda Announced
Nov 12, 2020 3:23:57 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Dr. Rudy Besikof appointed President of Laney College and Dr. Nathaniel Jones III appointed President of College of Alameda
Creative, Contemporary Laney College Promotion on Instagram
Oct 26, 2020 8:12:02 PM / by Aaron Harbour -->
Completion and Publishing of Guided Pathways Maps at Laney
Oct 26, 2020 7:54:26 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Laney College, as a member of the third statewide cohort of the Program Mapper Project —a partnership between software developer Concentric Sky, the California Community College Chancellors Office and Laney College – completed its commitment this summer to create and publish program maps on its website.
Laney Teams Up with Community-Based Organizations for Student Employment
Oct 14, 2020 7:29:11 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
In an effort to have greater outreach to our student community and expand its bandwidth, the Laney Student Employment Services Center has partnered with several Community Based organizations and the City of Oakland to provide employment and career readiness services. Specifically, in partnership with the Oakland Housing Authority, the Employment Services Center is hosting a weekly hiring event spotlighting a different employer each week. As a result, approximately 17 participants have received employment! Additionally, as part of the Oakland Workforce Collaborative led by the City of Oakland, the Employment Services Center hosts a monthly hiring event for students and other Oakland residents. The first hiring event focused on Essential Worker jobs, and had 80 job seekers registered, with approximately 13 Laney Students, and 15 employers presenting their open positions.
Laney College Welcomes Two New Acting Deans
Oct 13, 2020 9:30:00 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Please welcome Laney’s two new Acting Deans: Laura Espino and Alfred (Al) Konuwa.