The message below was sent via email to students and employees on March 4, 2022. Dear Peralta Community, To students and our community who are experiencing hardship and trauma connected to the escalation of Russia’s unprovoked violence upon Ukraine, especially with the increasing numbers of civilian casualties, please know that we share this message as sign of support for you. |
Leadership Statement on Ukraine
Mar 4, 2022 5:00:51 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Merritt College celebrates Dr. Huey P. Newton and the 55th anniversary of the Black Panther Party
Nov 2, 2021 5:01:35 PM / by Marina Cardoso Daltro -->
On the weekend of October 22-24, 2021, Merritt College and the Oakland community celebrated Dr. Huey P. Newton and the the 55th anniversary of the Black Panther Party . Dr. Newton, who along with Bobby Seale co-founded the Black Panther Party in 1966, was honored with the unveiling of a bronze bust statue, on Sunday, October 24th, at the intersection of Mandela Parkway and Dr. Huey P. Newton Way...the place where the leader took his last breath.
Board of Trustees October 26, 2021 Meeting Summary
Nov 1, 2021 7:47:53 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Board of Trustees Meeting Summary for October 12, 2021
Oct 13, 2021 8:26:00 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Merritt College President's Report - October 12, 2021
Oct 13, 2021 2:41:53 PM / by David M. Johnson -->
On Wednesday, September 29, Merritt College had the privilege of hosting a critical discussion on the topic, “What does the fight for LGBTQ+ rights have to do with Racial Justice?”
The conversation was led by Ms. Ronit Matabuena-Lev, who is a health educator, the founder of Bird and Bee Education (an organization dedicated to empowering young people to practice self-care for their physical, emotional, social, and sexual well-being), and a former classroom teacher.
Merritt College President's Report - September 28, 2021
Sep 29, 2021 8:35:00 PM / by David M. Johnson -->
Merritt College Planning Summit 2021
On Friday, September 17, Merritt held its annual Fall Planning Summit. Faculty, staff and administrators came together to engage in dialogue regarding the Educational Master Plan and the Accreditation Follow-Up Report. Planning Summit participants had critical conversations around what it means to “put students first,” and how to move beyond platitudes so that we can get to the work of meaningful equity-building.
Merritt College receives 2021 John W. Rice Equity Award
Sep 22, 2021 12:08:31 PM / by Mark Johnson -->
Merritt College, which was a leader in moving away from assessment tests that wrongly placed students of color in remedial classes, and Barstow College, which has enhanced its student success rates through numerous support services, are the winners of the 2021 John W. Rice Equity and Student Success awards.
Board of Trustees September 14, 2021 Meeting Summary
Sep 22, 2021 11:42:00 AM / by Mark Johnson -->
Merritt College President's Report - September 14, 2021
Sep 17, 2021 12:20:00 PM / by David M. Johnson -->
Merritt College Latest Update
Much has happened at Merritt College in the several weeks that have passed since the last President’s Report. Among other things, Merritt initiated the process of bringing students, classified professional staff members, faculty, and administrators back to campus safely. Merritt worked with our sister colleges and with the Chancellor’s Office to make great progress on the college’s ACCJC Follow-Up Report and the Teach Out Plan. And Merritt continues to support students and the institution in the face of the pandemic by utilizing HEERF funding to address pressing needs.
Merritt College President's Report
Aug 12, 2021 12:06:00 PM / by David M. Johnson -->