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Merritt College Partners with ESO Ventures

Sep 26, 2020 6:08:00 PM / by Mark Johnson -->

Merritt College is proud to be one of the founding partners of East Side Oakland Ventures (ESO Ventures). Formerly known as the East Oakland Entrepreneur Initiative, ESO Ventures provides pathways, support, and funding sources for entrepreneurs from historically disadvantaged communities. To address long-standing patterns of economic inequity, Merritt College and ESO Ventures are focused on bolstering entrepreneurial development and growing the self-employment sector by ensuring that black and brown businesses have greater access to funding capital. Toward that end, Merritt will also leverage our existing Level UP partnership program with Facebook to offer co-branded Digital Marketing Certificates for Small Business Owners and Entrepreneurs. As always, we remain committed to collaborating with Oaklanders to build community-wealth and ensure that our people are thriving.

From the ESO Ventures Website:
ESO Ventures is an initiative to grow community wealth and rebuild East Oakland through entrepreneurship.  We are a collaborative of entrepreneurs with deep roots in Oakland and business incubation, who have come together to support the development of an entrepreneurial pipeline along the Eastmont Corridor.  This project has grown out of District 6 Council Member Loren Taylor and his partnership with California Community Colleges, specifically Merritt College and the Peralta Colleges Foundation, to create opportunities for the young people and residents of District 6 who want to start a business to have the resources they need to be successful.

We welcome anyone who is interested in learning more about this initiative to visit: https://www.eso- ventures.com/ or reach out to Dean Marie Amboy or Dean Jason Holloway.

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Welcome Students! Resources available to make your semester a success

Aug 25, 2020 1:30:34 PM / by Aaron Harbour -->

The Fall 2020 semester has begun at all four Peralta Colleges and we are excited to welcome students to classes again. Online learning can be challenging but there are many resources available for students from each of the colleges.

Student Services

Each college offers a wide variety of student services.
Here are links to each campus's student resources:

Berkeley City College
College of Alameda
Laney College
Merritt College

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TV Coverage For COA Free Lunch Program

Aug 9, 2020 5:40:09 PM / by Mark Johnson -->

The free food giveaway programs at the Peralta Colleges we first announced in May and which now include all four colleges are certainly good news for students and the community.  And now the program is in the news!  Maaziq Madyun, a reporter for KRON TV Channel 4 recently stopped by the College of Alameda and filmed the following story, "East Bay grab-and-go lunch program helps fight food insecurity during pandemic," which was broadcast across the Bay area. The story is also available online here:  https://gems.peralta.edu/all-four-colleges-now-offering-free-meals

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Board of Trustees Meetings and Updates

Aug 3, 2020 1:00:00 PM / by Mark Johnson -->

The Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees were extremely busy in July following the unexpected resignation of Chancellor Dr. Regina Stanback Stroud on July 16, 2020. 

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All Four Colleges Now Offering Free Meals

Jul 14, 2020 4:26:58 PM / by Mark Johnson -->

On May 26, 2020, Peralta Community College District reported that Laney College and College of Alameda had formed partnerships with Steph and Aisha Curry's non-profit Eat.Learn.Play and the World Central Kitchen to provide free meals for students.  Now all four colleges have solidified their partnership with these great nonprofits to serve our community.  Merritt College started their program on May 28. Berkeley City College began their program on Friday June 5th. 

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June 23, 2020 Board of Trustees Meeting

Jun 30, 2020 10:12:27 AM / by Mark Johnson -->

Due to the continuing Alameda County directive to shelter in place, the Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees met via Zoom on June 23, 2020. This meeting was epic. Clocking in at 5 hours and 40 minutes or so, the meeting included a landmark vote on the District's relationship with Alameda County Sheriff's Office (ACSO) which helped draw 100 speakers for the public comment section of the meeting. Additionally, this meeting was the last for Dr. Tammeil Gilkerson, Laney College President, and Dr. Timothy Karas, College of Alameda President. The full video recording of the meeting is available on the Peralta YouTube channel here

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Peralta Colleges Partner w/ Eat Learn Play & World Central Kitchen to Provide Free Meals

Jun 16, 2020 1:56:17 PM / by Mark Johnson -->

In response to dramatically increased food insecurity from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Peralta Colleges forged partnerships with two nonprofits – Oakland’s Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation and the World Central Kitchen – to provide thousands of meals to students at three of its four campus locations. The Eat. Learn. Play. Foundation underwrites the cost of the meals, while the World Central Kitchen helps provide food delivery and distribution logistics. Special thanks to Peralta Colleges Foundation Executive Director LaNiece Jones for helping make this new venture possible.

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Congratulations College Graduates

Jun 16, 2020 1:52:09 PM / by Aaron Harbour -->

The Class of 2020 has shown unbelievable resilience and persistence. Because of the shelter-in-place directive in Alameda County, each of the Peralta Colleges celebrated graduations with a virtual celebration. Not even a pandemic can stop us from celebrating (with appropriate social distancing of course). 

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Peralta Bond Project Outreach Program

Jun 12, 2020 3:04:37 PM / by Aaron Harbour -->

The Peralta Community College District is sincerely thankful for the generosity and support of the citizens of Alameda County. We are actively building the new Peralta our community deserves.

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