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Chancellor Announcement: Update on summer and fall 2021 semesters

Mar 10, 2021 7:00:00 AM / by Mark Johnson

On Wednesday, March 10, 2021, an announcement on behalf of Interim Chancellor Dr. Carla Walter was sent to all District employees.

Dear Peralta Community, 

I’m writing to help us all in our planning for summer and fall 2021 semesters.   

We continue to work closely with local public health officials and the State Chancellor's Office while we serve the community and meet our mission. Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College will continue to offer the majority of the courses and services as online or hybrid this summer and fall semester. 

young woman studying online virtual learning

Summer 2021 

All course offerings will be 100% online except a limited number of Career Education and Athletic Conditioning courses that will be determined by the College leadership and will be conducted in alignment with all safety and social distancing protocols.  

Student services will continue to be offered online, including Admissions and Records, Financial Aid, and Counseling, to name a few. 

The campuses at the four colleges and the District office will remain officially closed through the summer semester and the end of July 2021, with the same exceptions as we have now (individuals performing essential tasks on site, the limited classes with face-to-face instruction, and the coached athletic conditioning sessions).  

Fall 2021 

The majority of courses will continue to be offered 100% online with limited hybrid and face-to-face course offerings to include Career Education, Athletic Conditioning, Science Laboratories, and selected courses and/or programs to be determined by the College leadership. Additionally, the administration is considering offering limited Student Services face-to-face support for students, but no formal determination has been made.  

The situation surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic seems to be changing for the better and on March 2 the Governor lifted the statewide “stay at home” order. However, the vaccination process is taking time and the Alameda County “shelter in place” order remains in effect. Rest assured, the health and safety of Peralta Community College District students, employees and community members has been and remains our top priority in this pandemic. 

I want to thank all of you: faculty, classified professionals, and administrators, for your continued dedication to serving students during these challenging times. I also thank you for your patience as we navigate the many changes the pandemic presents us.  

Visit https://safe.peralta.edu/ for the latest information about the COVID-19 pandemic and Peralta Community College District.   

Thank you, stay and be well, 

Dr. Carla Walter

Interim Chancellor

Peralta Community College District


Tags: District, Carla Walter, COVID-19, Chancellor


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