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Administrative Services Retreat at College of Alameda Hosted by Deputy Chancellor Greg Nelson

9-18-24 Administrative Services Retreat
On Wednesday, September 18, 2024, Deputy Chancellor & Chief Operating Officer Greg Nelson hosted an Administrative Services Retreat at College of Alameda. The retreat included the departments of General Services, Information Technology, Public Safety, and Finance & Administration which are now combined in the new Division of Administrative Services. It was a wonderfully informative day and a great opportunity for the Administrators and Team to get together to discuss important matters collaboratively. Activities included brainstorming on a Mission Statement for the new Division of Administrative Services, a Book Club meeting on “Our Iceberg is Melting” by John Kotter, a difficult game of Peralta District Trivia Pong, an in-depth discussion on developing a Program Review, an intense game of Team Yatzy, a Roundtable on department concerns, and an amazing game of Jenga where no-one faltered. Dave Vigo said, “We have some very amazing and talented people. There wasn’t a dull moment!” 
Greg Nelson wanted to thank everyone for their participation in making the retreat a success. Those included were Marla Williams-Powell, Dave Vigo, Teri Antonio, Antoine Mehouelley, Abdul Pridgen, Chalon Rogers, Momo Lim, Bc Hoff, Amy Marshall, Tami Taylor and Erica Harrell. A special thank you to Chancellor, Tammeil Gilkerson, Vice Chancellor of Educational Services Tina Vasconcellos, and College of Alameda President Melanie Dixon for their appearances and support. He also wanted to thank his assistants, Richard Ferreira and Shanova Berry, for their hard work setting up and aiding in the activities.
It was a very productive day, and we are moving in the right direction. What is next for the Administrative Services Team? Next steps are to finalize the Division of Administrative Services Mission Statement and develop a Program Review. Onward and upward!

Tags: College of Alameda, District


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