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The Peralta Charrette: A Community Forum held at Laney College

Nov 18, 2022 10:08:09 AM / by Mark Johnson

Peralta Charrette Welcome

The first-ever Peralta Charrette was a huge success. We really appreciate the approximately 200 community members who participated for taking the time to register, attend, and share their thoughts and concerns as the Peralta Community College District (PCCD) works on our five-year strategic plan and the Peralta Colleges – Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College – work on their educational master plans.

Read ahead materials shared with those who registered in advance included the Peralta Community College District Annual Report for Fiscal Year 2021-22 which you can read here.

In the morning session we were welcomed by Laney College President Dr. Rudy Besikof. PCCD Interim Chancellor Dr. Jannett N. Jackson also provided a warm welcome and an update on Peralta progress including the sale of $151 Million in general obligation bonds to fund much needed facilities improvements and our financial and governance improvements resulting in the colleges being taken off of probation by accreditors. Berkeley City College President Dr. Angélica Garcia gave an overview of the process going on at all four colleges to build community-informed educational master plans. Finally, our WestEd colleagues Dr. Kelsey Krausen and Dr. Alexandria Gonzalez-Wright provided an environmental scan of demographic and workforce data in our service area.

Slides presented at the Charrette (link)

Video of the introductory meeting (link)


We then broke into smaller groups for focused discussion on specific topics which included:

  1. Developing Sustainable and Healthy College Communities (housing, basic needs, environmental sustainability)  
  2. Growing Strategic Workforce Partnerships that Strengthen Career Education Pathways (workforce partnerships, economic development, career services) 
  3. Strengthening K–16 Partnerships in Alignment with Guided Pathways (K12, dual enrollment, Linked Learning, Guided Pathways, transfer partnerships) 
  4. Improving Community and Campus Public Safety (Campus climate and safety, alternative policing) 

Following two hours of discussions in breakout sections and a gourmet lunch from the Laney Food Service staff (featuring delicious desserts by Laney Culinary Arts Students), we again gathered in the Theater for a wrap-up by Chancellor Jackson and the college presidents: Dr. Garcia, Dr. Diana Bajrami (Acting President at College of Alameda), Dr. Besikof, and Dr. David M. Johnson (President at Merritt College). Check out the great photos of the whole day taken by Laney College photography student Mr. Elwood Jefferson and staff photographer Faiza Ali - all the photos are posted here (link).

Video of the summary meeting (link)


If you were unable to attend, or came and have some additional thoughts, feel free to email them to marketing@peralta.edu.

Tags: David M. Johnson, Angélica Garcia, Merritt College, College of Alameda, Laney College, Berkeley City College, Rudy Besikof, Jannett Jackson, Diana Bajrami


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