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Merritt College President's Report – September 10, 2024

Merritt BOT Report 9.10.24

Merritt College Hosts Successful East Bay Consortium Conference

On Tuesday, September 3, Merritt College was pleased to host the East Bay Consortium/ California Student Opportunity and Access Program (Cal-SOAP) conference. We had a total of 166 attendees from across 63 different high schools, K-12 districts, community colleges, four-year institutions, and college-access providers! Our partnership with EBC/CAL-SOAP is rooted in our shared commitment to improving the flow of information about postsecondary education and financial aid to low-income students with documented low eligibility or college participation rates. Moreover, we are focused on maximizing our allocation through the student-centered funding formula (SCFF) and increasing the number of prospective students who are aware of their financial aid options. Our capacity to make them feel supported throughout the financial aid application process is essential to that endeavor.


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Africana Studies Community Research Center Reopens for Fall 2024

The jewel that is the Africana Studies Community Research Center has officially opened for the Fall 2024 semester, so I am encouraging everyone to rediscover this amazing resource! Operated through the Department of Ethnic Studies, the Africana Center offers students, faculty, and community members curriculum-based and interactive museum-quality learning modules where one can experience the history of the Black people through visual, touch screen, and e-portfolio lessons. Since the grand opening of the center in March 2016, the curriculum has been housed in this beautifully designed and well-appointed space in the Merritt College library next to the Learning Center. The African Center hosts speaker series, special events, and activities for students each semester on various subjects about the rich history, movements, music, and culture throughout the African diaspora. Classes from Merritt and the other Peralta Colleges are encouraged to avail themselves of the space (of note, the College recently opened a branch of the Center at McClymonds High School in West Oakland). The center is also fully ADA-compliant for hearing and visually impaired learners, as well as accessible in Spanish. To contact the African Center directly, please contact the center by email at mafricanacenter@peralta.edu (and to take a trip back in time please visit here).


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Student Accessibility Services Hosts Successful Welcome Back Workshop

This past Thursday, September 5, the Student Accessibility Services (SAS) department was thrilled to welcome over 50 students to their Welcome Back and Success Workshop on Thursday, Sept 5th. Students had the opportunity to create and reinforce a sense of community, as they acquainted themselves with the SAS department guidelines, programs/services, and staff. It was a fantastic opportunity for our valued students to learn valuable tips for a successful semester. Attendees enjoyed a free lunch, received school supplies, and picked up Chromebooks and Hot Spots. As the semester gets into full swing and deadlines for exams/papers approach, we encourage the faculty to encourage your students to avail themselves of the support offered by SAS if they believe they may benefit/qualify.


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ASMC President Emilyn Inestroza and Students Shine in Governance

In closing, I want to commend the Associated Students of Merritt College in general, and ASMC President Emilyn Inestroza in particular for their commitment to participating in our shared governance processes. This year we have placed a greater emphasis on ensuring that the student voice is reflected in our decision-making. Most recently, we have had student engagement at our Participatory Governance Retreat, Accreditation Planning Meeting, and the Chancellor’s Road Show. I am also excited to share that the ASMC has planned an event for September 23—Brunch Panel with the President and Executives. The aim is for the management team members to share their own educational and professional backgrounds, as well as to provide practical advice regarding educational success and effective leadership.


This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. David M. Johnson, Merritt College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. To view it as a PDF, click here.

Tags: Merritt College, President's Report


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