Dear College of Alameda and Peralta Community,
As we close this graduation season of celebration for our students and colleges, I extend my heartfelt appreciation to all of you who make the Peralta Colleges a beacon of hope and positive transformation for the communities, families, and individuals we serve.
With an eye on continuously strengthening our institutions to be ever-better community stewards, I am excited to share that Melanie Dixon will join the College of Alameda as President, beginning July 1, pending formal ratification of her contract by the Board of Trustees in June.

Melanie Dixon brings extensive experience in higher education with a focus on diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout her professional career. She has chief executive officer experience, having served as the president of American River College in the Los Rios Community College District. She has deep experience supporting students, having served as the Associate Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Student Success at Los Rios CCD, which gives her a unique mix of both instructional and student affairs experiences. Working in a multi-college district like Los Rios has prepared her for working in a collaborative multi-college district like Peralta.
Throughout the search process, participants were impressed by Ms. Dixon’s emphasis on collaboration with stakeholders, including collective bargaining units, and her enthusiasm, energy, and communication skills. People were encouraged by her commitment to listening and transparency. She is a three-time graduate of community college herself, which resonated with our community.
Ms. Dixon’s depth and breadth of experiences in the California Community Colleges system, her laser focus on student basic needs and success, and her demonstrated commitment to leading from an authentic grounding in diversity, equity, and inclusion, are what COA and the Peralta District need at this time to inspire students to fulfill their highest aspirations and to ensure the college and community continue to thrive.
I am grateful that this national search yielded a solid pool of competent candidates, which made this selection both challenging and inspiring. Let me offer sincere thanks again to all members of the COA Search Committee who met this task with the earnest care needed, as well as to the students, faculty, staff, administrators, and community members who participated in and shared their perspectives from the public forums and constituency leader meetings.
Melanie Dixon will start her role at the beginning of our new academic year. Dr. Pamela Luster will continue serving as the College’s Acting President until then and will work closely with Ms. Dixon and COA leadership to help ensure a smooth transition.
In closing, thank you again for making this a meaningful season of celebration for our students and for thoughtfully ending the academic year. I know these last few months have been a whirlwind of activity for everyone. I hope you all find time and space to join with friends and family for some much-deserved rest and rejuvenation over the Memorial Day holiday weekend and in the summer.
Dr. Tammeil Gilkerson
Peralta Community College District