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Laney College President's Report – September 10, 2024

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Oakland Chinatown Street Fest

Laney College was honored to participate in the 35th annual Oakland Chinatown Street fest, held on August 26th -27th. Representatives from the Laney APASS Program and the Employment Services Center hosted an informational table, engaging with community members and sharing valuable information about educational and career opportunities available at Laney. As part of the Saturday program, President Besikof delivered remarks, while Employment Services Center Project Manager Raya Zion added to the festivities with a special performance. A heartfelt thank you goes to the Laney team, including Huizhen Su, APASS Outreach Staff, and Career Services, who dedicated part of their weekend to this event.

Laney College’s participation continues the momentum of the growing partnerships with the city’s five Chambers. In May, Laney was honored at the Oakland Chinatown Chamber of Commerce’s Spring Banquet as its 2024 Community Partner of the Year.


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Laney Welcomes New ASLC Student Body President, Frida Veliz

Laney congratulates Frida Veliz, a 20-year-old architecture major, for her appointment as Student Body President. Ms. Velez moved to California from Guatemala five years ago, and she has been making the most of every opportunity since. She is bilingual and participates as a member of the cross country and track & field teams.

When asked about the decision to run for ASLC President, Veliz shared, “ I decided to run for ASLC president because I want to give back to the community and help students find their place on campus, just like I did. Known for being responsible and super positive, I also work with APASS (Asian Pacific American Student Success) to support students. I enjoy applying my creativity and problem-solving skills in everything I do.”

Only two weeks into her term, Frida is frequently seen around campus. “You’ll probably see me around—feel free to reach out if you have any ideas or concerns you think our student government should be focusing on.” On a lighter note, Frida shared that she can solve a Rubik’s cube in 27 seconds!

Please look for Frida in an upcoming episode of The President’s Desk, when she introduced herself to President Besikof and the campus community.


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Laney Gallery Kicks of the Year with District-Wide Faculty Invitational

The first of the 2024-25 shows feature work by an immensely talented group of teaching artists from the art department faculties of Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College. Works on display include paintings, prints and ceramics.

September 4 - October 15, 2024
Gallery reception: September 18, 4-6 p.m.
(Image: Cynthia Horn)


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Welcome Week Brings Students into Fall!

Laney College hosted its Welcome Week for Fall 2024 from Monday, August 19, through Thursday, August 22, in the Laney Quad from 11:30 AM to 1:30 PM each day. The event featured a variety of activities and resources designed to help students make the most of their semester.

Make It Count Monday provided an opportunity for students to explore campus programs, learning communities, and connect with student support services and cultural experiences. Free coffee, pastries, cookies, and lemonade were offered.

On Target Success Tuesday, students had access to campus and community employment resources, received resume and job search assistance, and enjoyed cookies and lemonade.

Wellness Wednesday focused on health and well-being, with visits to the Laney Wellness Center and Eagles Nest Clothing Closet. Students learned about campus and community resources while enjoying free sandwich wraps.

Thrill n’ Chill Thursday allowed students to explore ways to get involved with the Associated Students of Laney College (ASLC) or start a student club, with a BBQ in the Quad, free for students.

Throughout the week, students were encouraged to check their Peralta email, review their financial aid status, and meet with counselors to update their Student Education Plans.

Laney’s Welcome Center (A-101) and the Laney website provided additional support to students during the event, making the week a successful start to the Fall 2024 semester.


Laney College’s Podcast Spotlights Career Education

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September 5, 2024 Episode: Machine Technology (link to episode found here)

Guest: Professor Adam Balogh

(Pictured with President Besikof, Journalism Major/Cohost Randi Cross.

Not Pictured but greatly appreciated: Technical Director/Cohost Felicia Bridges)


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August 30 Episode: Artificial Intelligence

Guest: Professor Tuan Nguyen


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August 21 Episode: Media Communications

Guests: Professor Steve Shlisky, Students Ehret Fieldhouse, Kim Gonzales


This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. Rudy Besikof, Laney College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, September 10, 2024. To view it as a PDF, click here.

Tags: Laney College, President's Report


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