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Laney College President's Report – January 14, 2025

Jan 15, 2025 4:30:00 PM / by Rudy Besikof

One-Stop Saturday to Ready Students, Community for New Semester

One-Stop Saturday to Ready Students, Community for New Semester

The community is invited to Laney’s January 18 One-Stop Saturday, which will provide students with comprehensive services to prepare for a successful semester. Scheduled from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM on the Laney Campus in Building A, the event will allow students to select classes and register prior to the January 21 start of the Spring semester.

Services will include the Welcome Center, Application Assistance, Admissions & Records, Financial Aid, Counseling, Cashiers Office, Tech Support, Learning Communities, and more.

Special thanks go to the many colleagues in the Student and Administrative Services departments who come together to make the event successful, along with those from other areas of the college that support Enrollment Services and Counseling staff who prepare students for the start of term. Additionally, Laney expresses appreciation to Food Services, along with Oakland Rotary #3 for providing food. Gratitude is also extended to those who table, including learning community leads, faculty, U.S. Bank, and other external partners who have agreed to once again partner with the College!


Students in Media Showcase Fall 2024 Projects

Students in Media Showcase Fall 2024 Projects

The Media Communications Department closed out last semester with its traditional Showcase on December 12 at the Laney Theater.

The evening began with a pre-show mixer and potluck, where attendees brought dishes to share and enjoyed a welcoming community atmosphere. The event then began, featuring an array of impressive projects created by students in Virtual Production (Media 44), Beginning Video Production (Media 104), Audio Production (Media 111), Media-Based Computing (Media 115), Editing (Media 138/139), and Sound Recording (Media 155/156), which included music videos, mixing, and mastering.

The showcase celebrated the creativity and collaboration of Laney’s Media Communications students, highlighting their talent and dedication. It was an inspiring evening that demonstrated the vibrant media community at Laney, and reflected well on Media faculty colleagues such as Steve Shlisky, Vina Cera, Marla Leech, and Koina Freeman.


Architecture to Hold January 18 Open House at Laney

Architecture to Hold January 18 Open House at Laney

Visitors to One-Stop Saturday at Laney College will also be welcomed at an information session about the Architecture Program on Saturday, January 18, from 10:00 AM to 1:00 PM. This event will provide attendees with an in-depth, informative overview of the program and its offerings.

Participants will have the opportunity to learn about sustainable design, the creation of iconic structures, and various aspects of the field of architecture. In addition to an overview of its curriculum, guests will hear insights from experienced and dedicated faculty, and details about student activities, competitions, and clubs. Attendees will also explore potential career opportunities in the field and participate in a Q&A session to address their questions. Many thanks to Professor Barry Yu and Dean Alejandria Tomas for coordinating what has become a well-attended bi-annual event at the College.


This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. Rudy Besikof, Laney College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, January 14, 2025. To view it as a PDF, click here.

Tags: Laney College, President's Report


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