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Completion and Publishing of Guided Pathways Maps at Laney

Oct 26, 2020 7:54:26 PM / by Mark Johnson

slide laney

Laney College, as a member of the third statewide cohort of the Program Mapper Project —a partnership between software developer Concentric Sky, the California Community College Chancellors Office and Laney College – completed its commitment this summer to create and publish program maps on its website.

As a result, students will now have access more than 75 new pathway maps on the college’s redesigned, student-centered website that aligns with the findings and work of the college’s Guided Pathways workgroup.

In addition to the pathway maps, Laney has created eight Areas of Interest to help students make connections between their educational goals and their passion. These areas lead to maps that show, not only course requirements for a degree or certificate, but also career/salary information that allows students to engage in “big-picture planning” that the traditional college catalog is not designed to enable. 

Interim Laney President, Rudy Besikof stated, “I am pleased to confirm that Laney College is the 9th of 33 community colleges to launch its mapper project despite only being involved for a few short months. You are invited to check-out our website to view the maps as well as the areas of interest (https://laney.edu/blog/areas-of-interest/) (metamajors) that were created by faculty and staff at our college.”

Tags: Laney College


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