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Chancellor's Update on PFT Negotiations: Health Care Benefits for Part-Time Faculty

March 2, 2023
Dear Peralta Community,
In my last update on negotiations between the Peralta Community College District and our faculty union, the Peralta Federation of Teachers (PFT), I provided our community with information about a number of pending issues, including providing paid healthcare benefits to part-time faculty.
I’m pleased to report that we have made preliminary progress on the healthcare benefits issue, based on the proposal the District made to PFT as part of a larger package of items. We have reached an agreement to provide our part-time faculty with 100% paid healthcare coverage, beginning in FY 2023-24. Because we will be seeking reimbursement for some of the cost of this benefit from a California state program, and given the significant unbudgeted cost we would incur if the program were to be cut, our agreement is contingent on the state providing the same or greater level of financial support for the program as is available currently.
The preliminary agreement on this issue is in keeping with the District’s long-standing commitment to our employees and their bargaining units concerning benefits, including those for part-time faculty. Peralta CCD was one of the first districts in the California Community Colleges system to provide Part-Time Faculty Parity Pay. As noted in my last update, our overall health care and retirement benefits are on par with those offered by large, four-year institutions in the Bay Area.
The healthcare issue is just one part of the proposal we put on the table last May. Many important issues remain to be negotiated, such as issues pertaining to class load adjustments, etc., that are vital to improving the student experience. The District continues to come to the table to negotiate in good faith with PFT toward reaching a fair agreement by the end of next month.
Jannett N Jackson, PhD
Interim Chancellor

Tags: District, Chancellor, Faculty


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