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Spring 2022 Student Election Results

Apr 20, 2022 3:07:00 PM / by Johnathan Freeman

Dear Peralta Community,


During the student government elections held on April 12-13, students from Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College overwhelmingly approved adding back the AC Transit “Easy Pass” benefit as part of the student activity fees. The AC Transit Easy Pass helps students by reducing costs with unlimited monthly travel on Alameda County Transit buses.


AC Transit Vote-1

AC Transit’s Easy Pass program provides students who are taking 6 or more units with an AC Transit bus pass valid at any time on all AC Transit lines, both local and transbay. Students will have the option to pay a reduced rate flat fee at enrollment for the Easy Pass, starting in Fall 2022. We will be providing more details regarding the program as they become available.


Through this election, Peralta students also elected Ms. Sarah Latino to serve as their student trustee on Peralta’s Board. Ms. Latino is a student at Berkeley City College where she has served as a Student Ambassador and Campus Life Student Assistant. I know I speak for the entire Peralta community as we welcome her to this new role! Congratulations Sarah!


Also, congratulations to all the students who participated in these elections as both candidates and voters. It is important in our collaborative governance model to vote and provide input for your elected officials. Here are the results from Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College, and Merritt College.


Once again, thank you to all students who participated in the elections.


All the best,

Stephanie Droker, Ed.D

Interim Deputy Chancellor/Chief Operating Officer

Tags: Merritt College, College of Alameda, Laney College, Berkeley City College


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