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Merritt College Natural History and Sustainability Program Earns John Muir Award for Environmental Education Advocacy

Congratulations to Program Director Ben Nelson, faculty members Elizabeth Boegel and Brad Balukjian, and the entire Merritt College Natural History and Sustainability program, who recently received recognition from the U.S. Congress and a John Muir Award for Environmental Education Advocacy.

Merritt Natural History and Sustainability Program Awards

Founded in 2018, the Merritt College Natural History and Sustainability Program prepares students for employment in a variety of positions in the Environmental/Conservation Fields, including Park Ranger, Field Technician, Interpretive Aide, Environmental Educator, Urban Farmer, Food Production Analyst, and Water Quality Technician. By creating an interdisciplinary curriculum, the program has fostered collaboration between departments, and this program prepares environmental and policy leaders of the future.

Tags: Merritt College, Award, Faculty


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