Acting on a petition from the renowned Lowell Observatory in Arizona, the International Astronomical Union officially named asteroid 1889TL34 as 28148 Fuentes, after Laney College Dean of Math and Sciences, Mr. Angel Fuentes Figueroa. “The totality of the body is in fact its own solar system orbiting the Sun forever named after me.” After capturing the body on his telescope, Fuentes notified his family in Puerto Rico immediately of the honor, mentioning that he was able to show his mother the asteroid immediately.
A photo displayed at the Lowell Observatory marks the existing and naming. The honor represents an eternal naming. Laney College appreciates the work of all colleagues within the Math and Science Division and celebrates the honor bestowed upon one of its great educational leaders.
This article was included in the June 28, 2023 Laney College President's Report. To view the full report, click here.