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Berkeley City College VPI Named 2022-23 President-Elect For CCCCIO

May 25, 2022 8:04:00 PM / by Johnathan Freeman

CCCCIO President-Elect Kuni Hay

On May 18, 2022, the Executive Board of the California Community Colleges Chief Instructional Officers (CCCCIO) voted Kuni Hay, Berkeley City College's Vice President of Instruction, as the organization’s 2022-23 Academic Year President-Elect and Conference Co-Chair. Alongside newly-elected President Tram Vo-Kumamoto, Hay will be the first Asian-American woman to fill the leadership role.

President-Elect Hay’s 30 years of work in Higher Education is rooted in her life-long commitment and philosophy for equity, inclusion, and social justice. Each position she held in her career in Higher Education was intentionally dedicated to ensuring that all students were provided with equitable access to Higher Education and maximum learning opportunities and services, particularly for those who have been historically underrepresented, marginalized, and disadvantaged. To deliver this important work and ensure student success, she promoted and demonstrated collaborative work across the college community and beyond at each institution at which she worked. Also, as a former Vice President of Student Affairs, she values and honors the beauty of collaboration across different sectors of the college and participatory governance entities, fostering an open and transparent dialogue, and cross-pollination of work to achieve the shared goals of serving our students to reach their academic and career goals. VPI Hay’s professional experiences in Higher Education include a wide and balanced spectrum of positions she held at community colleges and at four-year private institutions.

Berkeley City College President Dr. Angélica Garcia also expressed her congratulations, stating in a letter to BCC faculty & staff, "Kuni will undoubtedly support the CIOs towards statewide efforts and reform that will deepen the organization's equity vision and advocacy, professional development, and institutional/student support efforts. It seems fitting that during AAPI Cultural Heritage month, we get to honor and celebrate one of our colleagues for helping to break glass/ethnic ceilings in leadership. Congratulations, Kuni! We are so very proud of you!"

Tags: Berkeley City College


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