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A First Day Hello from Chancellor Gilkerson

January 4, 2024

Dear Peralta District Community,

Today marks the beginning of a new chapter for me as your Chancellor, and I am thrilled to rejoin the Peralta Community College District. It's an honor and privilege to serve this community again, and I am genuinely excited about the incredible opportunities we have before us.

As I step into this role, I want to emphasize that my commitment to our District goes beyond the boundaries of my office. It is my heartfelt dedication to actively engage with each of you and immerse myself in the dynamic life of our colleges and surrounding communities. I aim to share your stories, celebrate your successes, and work collaboratively to ensure vibrant, supportive, and sustainable learning and working environments for students and employees.

Throughout the day, I had the pleasure of meeting many of you who generously took the time to offer warm greetings. In particular, the personal reflections shared by Marcus, Leonora, Allie, Ronnie, Celine, and Sabrina about the impact of our colleges on their educational journeys and their love for working in our District filled me with pride. The recurring theme of a "family" atmosphere and the supportive nature of our colleagues resonated deeply. The shared experiences and connections among us all were truly special. At one point, laughter filled the air, and Leonora's comment about "the lilt in our voices and the giggles we sang" captured the beauty of our camaraderie. She attributed it to her English professor, noting, "He was tough but good!"


In the early days of my tenure, one of my primary goals is to hear from you. Your insights, perspectives, and honest feedback are invaluable. Recognizing our strengths and areas for improvement is crucial to our collective growth as we collaboratively shape the future of our District.

I look forward to seeing many of you at the District Professional Development Day on Thursday, January 18th, where I’ll share more about upcoming opportunities to connect. I hope you’ll come in person and say hello!

Your dedication and commitment to our students and each other do not go unnoticed. I am hope-filled and grateful.

In community,


Tags: Chancellor


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