In an effort to raise awareness for late-start fall classes, Laney College got creative! Gary Albury, Director of Student Activities and Campus Life teamed, up with staff assistant Katrina Santos and PIO Larena Baldazo to launch a Social Media Takeover on Instagram! While the college recently sent out a mailer in both English and Spanish targeting late-start classes, this virtual event offers an organic approach to appeal to our more than 2,800 Instagram followers.
Performer Katrina Santos (DJ BabyLove) completed a number of Instagram Live videos, which instantly sent a notification to followers as she began her set and provided details about late-start classes in between songs.
Prior to the Social Media Takeover, the college also launched 27 ads in Mandarin, Chinese and Vietnamese on KTSF Channel 26, generating over 278,000 impressions. We are continuously striving to promote our brand and unmatched support services to attract both new and returning students. And if you're not already, be sure to follow Laney on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.