Peralta Gems

January 2022 Board of Trustees Meeting Summaries

Written by Mark Johnson | Feb 2, 2022 12:14:00 AM

The  Peralta Community College District Board of Trustees convened twice during January 2022 which included a Board Retreat on January 11th and a regular meeting on January 25th. 

The first session of the new year was a special Board Retreat which took place on January 11, 2022. There were two major parts for this retreat.  The first part featured a training session on labor negotiations conducted by Amy Brant and Kelly Tuffo of the District's negotiating legal counsel firm LIebert Cassidy Whitmore (LCW).  A video recording of part one of the Retreat is available on YouTube here while the slides presented are online in BoardDocs here

The second part of the Board Retreat on January 11th featured Dr. Helen Benjamin, a District consultant (highly regarded California Community Colleges administrator and former chancellor of the Contra Costa Community College District) working with the Board on a number of items including:

  • Educational Master Planning Process
  • District Mission Statement Finalization
  • Progress toward 2021-22 Board Goals
  • Board Self-Assessment Results

A video recording of Part Two of the Retreat is available on YouTube here.  The Board and the District have made very good progress on their 2021-2022 Goals which can be seen here

On January 25th, the Board had their first regular business meeting of the year.  A full recording of the meeting, which was just under 3 hours, is available on YouTube here.  The Chancellor's Report is available as a separate ~36 minute video and included presentations from each of the college presidents and an update on the upcoming launch of the new Peralta district website by Mark Johnson.  Here are links to the report documents shared:


Andrew Westall of BEAR Demographics and Research gave a presentation to the Board about redistricting. You can review the slides presented here.  Learn more about Redistricting on the current Perlata website at or check out the same information on our new website at

MIssion Statement

We have a new district mission statement!  The Board of Trustees adopted this new concise and memorable mission statement:

The Peralta Community College District is a collaborative of colleges advancing social and economic transformation for students and the community through quality education, rooted in equity, social justice, environmental sustainability, and partnerships.

Adoption has been a long time coming and included extensive workshops at each of the colleges and the district office and wordsmithing as it progressed through the collaborative governance process. This new mission statement will help inform future strategic planning. 

The Board approved all items on the Consent Calendar and in Action Items.