Peralta Gems

Introducing Build Peralta - Showcasing Peralta Bond Projects

Written by Aaron Harbour | May 26, 2020 6:03:39 PM

The Peralta Community College District is thrilled to announce the launch of Build Peralta,, a new website focused on the District bond program. The voters of Alameda County have generously approved two bond measures supporting building and infrastructure improvement projects in the District. This website is the result of collaboration between PCCD, bond program manager AECOM, and 360 Total Concept, a consulting firm based in Oakland. The project team for the launch included:

Keith Kajiya
Sharon Serrano
Atheria Smith
Leigh Sata
Aaron Harbour
Mark Johnson
Shonda Scott
Ray Loving
Ramasses Head

Major gratitude goes to Ramasses at 360 Total Concept as he did the bulk of the website build to get us to launch. Thanks Ram!
AECOM & 360 Total Concept will be using the new website as part of outreach efforts to local small business owners encouraging them to participate in the Peralta Small Local Business Program, and to register for participation in contact bidding.
We also want the site to showcase to voters and the Alameda County community the excellent work being done by the District to improve our campuses for students and employees. We welcome your feedback - please let me know what you think.