Peralta Gems

Berkeley City College President's Report – June 11, 2024

Written by Denise Richardson | Jun 12, 2024 4:51:56 PM

Teacher Preparation Program Apprentices Graduate

On Thursday, June 6, Berkeley City College hosted its graduation ceremony for apprentices in the Teacher Preparation Program. 43 apprentices representing cohorts from the YMCA of the East Bay Early Educator Apprentices, Girls Inc. Of Alameda County Expanded Learning Apprentices, and the Oakland Unified School District Oaktown Leaders Preapprentices walked the stage and received their certificates of proficiency. The energy in the room was palpable for these apprentices, many of whom are single parents, who were able to complete their programs despite hardships. These programs provide students with valuable paid, on-the-job training and education, helping them build a foundation for successful careers in early education or general education and expanded learning fields, preparing individuals to thrive in diverse learning environments beyond the traditional classroom.

We thank the student speakers Ruth Ross, Mia Robles, and Claudia Campbell for sharing their inspiring stories of hardship and perseverance. We also thank President Denise Richardson, ECEPTS Chief Program Officer Sandra Moore, and Chief Deputy Superintendent Mary Nicely, who praised the program for its role in creating equitable opportunities for all students and highlighted upcoming initiatives, including the Golden State Pathways Program and the Universal Transitional Kindergarten program. Thanks to Adele Burns of the California Department of Apprenticeship Standards for presenting the certificates and providing closing remarks.

This event was a testament to the collaborative efforts of our partners whose support has been crucial to our program’s success made possible with BCC’s partnerships with YMCA, Girls Inc., ECEPTS, and OUSD – we thank them for their support. We also thank Dr. Joya Chavarin, Faculty Coordinator of BCC’s Teacher Preparation Program, for her work in organizing and building this program.


BCC Radio 2050 Meets with BCC Ambassadors

BCC Radio2050 recorded its 7th podcast episode. Hosts Camille Verbara and John Sainz of the Learning Resources Center welcomed students from Berkeley City College (BCC) Ambassadors’ program: Himali KC, Natalie Flores, Pierce Byrne, and Kristiyan Klichev to share their experiences as Ambassadors for BCC and how these experiences have shaped them as students and individuals. You can listen to the episode here.


This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. Denise Richardson, Berkeley City College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, June 11, 2024. To view it as a PDF, click here.