Peralta Gems

BCC “Society of Scholars” Welcomes Over 100 Students

Written by Mark Johnson | Sep 30, 2020 1:00:00 AM

Back on the afternoon of August 18th, 2020, the Berkeley City College Society of Scholars (SoS) team welcomed over 100 in-coming students, through an engaging and entertaining Virtual Orientation. The SoS Orientation was designed and led by the BCC SoS Student Staff team, and supported by SoS Counselors and campus Administrators. The Virtual Orientation included a warm, enthusiastic and thoughtful “Welcome” by BCC President, Dr. Angelica Garcia, followed by inspirational words from Vice President of Student Services, Dr. Stacey Shears, and a positive and upbeat message from Associate Dean of Educational Success, Martin de Mucha Flores.

In addition to “meeting” the BCC SoS “family”, incoming scholars were introduced to a wealth of campus resources, including; Extended Opportunity Program and Services (EOPS), Financial Aid, Learning Resource Center (LRC), Transfer and Career Center, Programs and Services for Students with Disabilities (PSSD), Undocumented Community Resource Center (UCRC), Wellness Center, and more. Student Ambassadors also shared some tips and valuable insights, and John Nguyen presented on an array of Campus Life and Student Activities, welcoming and encouraging student engagement.

Following some exciting “Virtual Community Building” games, students heard from an impressive panel of current scholars and BCC alum, including current Graduate Student Intern, Charles Van Meurs, who was a member of BCC’s very first cohort of Umoja Scholars! Following the panel discussion, students were introduced to the SoS student led social media platforms, which include updated content related to campus resources, campus activities and events, student “spotlights,” scholarship information, “study tips,” important reminders, etc.