Peralta Gems

2020 African & African American Virtual Graduation: And...Still I Rise

Written by Aaron Harbour | Jun 17, 2020 8:50:35 PM

The 2020 Peralta Community Colleges African and African American graduates from Berkeley City College, College of Alameda, Laney College and Merritt College are cordially invited to participate in the 12th Annual African and African American Graduation virtual celebration hosted on YouTube beginning at 11:00 a.m. on Saturday, July 11, 2020.

“And…Still I Rise: Strength, Resiliency and Beauty in the Black Community” is the theme of this year’s graduation. All Summer 2019, Fall 2019, and Spring 2020 African and African American graduates are eligible to participate in this celebration. In order to include your personal graduation information in this virtual celebration, you are required to submit the following information by e-mail to as soon as possible, but no later than June 25, 2020:

  1. First Name, Middle Initial (if applicable) and Last Name
  2. A current active e-mail that you check on a regular basis
  3. Text-able telephone number

You will then be contacted by the Marching Orders Company via e-mail. Marching Orders will request that you submit the following information by a specific deadline date, but do not delay - try to get the following submitted to Marching Orders as fast as possible:

  1. First Name, Middle Initial (if applicable) and Last Name
  2. Upload a photo:
    1. A headshot
    2. Picture of your choice
    3. Cap and Gown picture, if available
  3. There will be a personal message section that you will also need to upload. In that section please describe whose shoulders you stand on (150 characters maximum). For example, Who had the most influence on your life? Who inspired you? Who made sacrifices for you to succeed? Whose words and actions have brought you to who you are today? Who do you need to thank today?

We look forward to your participation! Questions please e-mail