Peralta Gems

Merritt College President’s Report – April 12, 2023

Written by Johnathan Freeman | Apr 12, 2023 10:17:47 PM

Merritt College Partners with Oakland Housing Authority

As part of Merritt Colleges new partnership with the Oakland Housing Authority, on April 4th the Outreach team visited the Lockwood Gardens Housing Village (located at 66th Avenue and International Boulevard) to support our young people participating in a national Esports tournament for Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) assisted students. The overarching goal of our collaboration is to support post-secondary education into our technology and cybersecurity pathways. The event was sponsored by STEAMsport, an organization that utilizes Esport to promote Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math (STEAM) education for students from underserved communities. Given that many students in Oakland (particularly those who are HUD-assisted) cite factors such as transportation, equipment, and lack of quality instruction as barriers to entering STEAM fields, we are proud to be a part of such an exciting and forward-thinking project! We are also working toward providing virtual and/or face-to-face course offerings at HUD sites across the city.


Merritt College Holds Annual Cesar Chavez Event

On Wednesday, April 5, Merritt held its annual Cesar Chavez event. The program began with our land acknowledgment, the Four Directions Blessing, and dances led by History/Mexican & Latino Studies faculty member, Dr. Alejandro Garcia. After a very informative presentation by Puente students, the college was treated to a captivating lecture by Dr. Sylvanna M. Falcon. Dr. Falcon is currently Associate Professor of Latin American and Latino/a Studies at the University of California at Santa Cruz, and the Director of the Dolores Huerta Research Center for the Americas. She gave an inspiring presentation on Cesar Chavez and Dolores Huertas.

Dr. Falcon discussed her experience working with Ms. Huertas and shared photos of her visit to Villa La Paz and the National Chavez Center in Keene, California. Dr. Falcon is the author of Power Interrupted: Antiracist and Feminist Activists Inside the United Nations, a book that was awarded the 2016 Gloria E. Anzaldua Book Prize by the National Women's Studies Association. The event was organized by Puente students and faculty Co-Chairs Jose Saleda (Counseling) and Sabina Letang (English).



Merritt Students Attend Student Senate for California Community Colleges General Assembly

Each year, the Student Senate for California Community Colleges (SSCCC) assembles to elect new Regional Student Leaders and present resolutions to be considered for adoption by the California Community Colleges Chancellor's Office (CCCCO). The weekend of April 1st, Peralta Associated Students traveled to Long Beach to attend the 2023 General Assembly. Our Peralta Student Delegates were joined by over 600 California Community College student leaders. The Associated Students of Merritt College (ASMC) took center stage, as they drafted, defended, and ultimately passed a formal resolution that called for the creation of a new honors program for students focused primarily on research (Resolution S23-03-10). This initiative was based upon feedback they received from their constituents at a Merritt Town Hall Forum held on March 16, 2023. So let me take this opportunity to commend ASMC President Leesa Hogan, ASMC Vice President Zuni Moon, and ASMC Vice President of Finance Marco Loza for working to create greater educational opportunities for their fellow students!



This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. David M. Johnson, Merritt College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, April 11, 2023. To view it as a pdf, click here.