Peralta Gems

Berkeley City College President's Report

Written by Angélica Garcia | Nov 10, 2021 4:00:00 AM

Berkeley City College Return to Campus for Students

On October 15th, Berkeley City College held a town hall to provide information and hear input from students regarding returning to campus. As a result of the successful town hall, the Associated Students of Berkeley City College (ASBCC) is hosting a weekly student circle every Wednesday from 12:20 – 1:20pm to gather thoughts from students.

Facilitator and organizer of the Student Circle Sergio Mazariegos had this to say, “I know that it’s important that students feel part of the process to convey their thoughts and concerns. We want to feel like we are in it together.”


BCC – Providing Emergency Assistance for Students

Berkeley City College may be able to help students who are facing a one-time or short-term financial emergency. Berkeley City College is offering limited funds to assist students who are struggling with an urgent expense that might interfere with attending school or finishing their program. The grant is designed to assist students in dealing with unforeseen financial emergencies that, if not quickly resolved, could cause students to drop out of school.

BCC Virtual Support for Students

Berkeley City College will be presenting at the NASPA Western Regional Conference on Saturday, November 13th to showcase our success with providing virtual support for students. Berkeley City College’s use of live chats confronts the challenges of remote learning. Amidst a new learning environment, live chats are run by student leaders for students - a testament to our dedication to student success. The live chat is credited for having increased enrollment, community engagement, and student equity at BCC and is a tool that will continue its use even when we return to campus.

Berkeley City College Recognized for Excellence in Transfer!

Berkeley City College has been named a 2021 Champion of Higher Education for exemplary work in implementing the Associate Degree for Transfer (ADT) for the fourth consecutive year. Equally impressive is the College’s recognition as an Equity Champion of Higher Education for awarding ADTs to record numbers of Latinx students. We are extremely honored that the Campaign for College Opportunity recognized BCC for being one of the top performers in ADT’s as a percentage of total Associate Degrees. This recognition is testament to the work and commitment of faculty, classified professionals, and administrators have demonstrated in serving students.

Since its passage, the California Community Colleges system has awarded over 359,000 Associate Degrees for Transfer. This degree provides a streamlined pathway between the state’s community colleges and the California State University (CSU) system. The Campaign for College Opportunity championed this historic legislation, envisioning a clearer pathway for our community college students to transfer and earn a bachelor’s degree. Compared to traditional transfer students who enroll in the CSU, ADT transfers earn their bachelor’s degree nearly twice as fast. Transforming transfer has been more than 10 years in the making and with the recent passage of AB 928, it will significantly accelerate the pace of transfer and degree attainment. BCC’s commitment to student success and completion is contributing to the Associate Degree for Transfer pathway, making college dreams a reality for thousands of California students. Berkeley City College will be recognized for both awards at the Champions of Higher Education Celebration on Tuesday, November 16, 2021, from 10:00 - 11:30 am. President Garcia has been invited to provide some remarks regarding the passing of the Transfer Bill AB 928. We invite the community to join us at the event by registering at:


Berkeley City College Dual Enrollment for Equitable Completion

On October 26, a team of more than 15 Berkeley City College faculty, classified professionals, administrators and k-12 partners participated in the launch of the Dual Enrollment for Equitable Completion Bay Area community of practice by the Career Ladders Project. In her keynote address, Dr. Angélica Garcia, President of Berkeley City College, inspired the community to imagine school as a place that students call home and reminded them that equitable access to education is anti- racism and anti-poverty work. She urged the community of practice to ground its work in equity & racial justice, realize the power of the collective, engage the community, demystify internal college processes, and get our houses in order in service of students.

“Providing equitable access to quality higher education pathways is a community obligation to current and future generations; and the role that we hold in dual Enrollment programs is a testament to our commitment to equity and racial justice.  Berkeley City College is committed to our local community, especially historically minoritized communities, in their career and academic goals.  When our respective organizations across the community colleges, K-12, and community partners work together, then students get to focus on being students and realizing their fullest potential.  Indeed, dual enrollment programs have the opportunity to advance upward social mobility for first-generation, low-income, and often black and brown communities,”Dr. Garcia, Berkeley City College President.

BCC Spring 2022 Registration – Ready to Support Students

Spring 2022 Express Registration - BCC staff, counselors and administrators have convened to plan registration support for the coming year, starting with Spring 2022. The college will hold registration support sessions November 22-23 and November 30-December 2, so students are familiar with how to register. January 10-26 the college will hold 11 Express Registration sessions with 6 on site. In these sessions students can connect with a Counselor, Financial Aid, Admissions, SAS (Student Accessibility Services), EOPS and Cashier Office staff to complete registration. Berkeley City College is also working with three local high school partnerships to provide Dual Enrollment opportunities for the spring 2022 semester.

Madison Park Academy - BCC will provide a presentation on Wednesday, November 10th to Madison Park Academy students interested in participating in the Dual Enrollment Program.

Emery High School - BCC is collaborating with Emery HS leadership to provide streamlined enrollment for a CIS (Computer Information Systems) credit course taught on Emery’s campus in spring 2022. These collaborative efforts include individualized support sessions to assist students with the CCC (California Community Colleges) Apply application, the BCC Orientation, and the completion of the Dual Enrollment process.

Envision Academy - Throughout November and December, BCC will provide virtual support for students interested in participating in Dual Enrollment. Expecting to serve at least 75 new students with Envision Academy, BCC will offer “Introduction to College Success,” as a transfer credit course.


Berkeley City College:  Financial Aid Helps to Stay on Track

The Financial Aid Program at Berkeley City College is committed to providing equitable access and support for students. Paying for college can be a daunting endeavor and the BCC Financial Aid team is here to support students and their families. BCC students received text messages alerting them of the new Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the California DREAM Act/ DREAM Application. Current and prospective students can receive support during the Financial Aid Workshops by joining the following zoom link https://cccconfer.zoom. us/j/6577081741. BCC Financial Aid professionals are ready to assist you in completing your application(s) via this link on Monday- Friday form 10am – 4pm.

Future workshops at Emery High School and Destination College Advising Corps (CDAC) will be shared broadly with the community.

BCC Latinos Unidos de Berkeley Evening Event

On October 28, 2021, President Garcia joined City of Berkeley Mayor Arreguin, and UC Berkeley Faculty, Dra. de los Rios to provide palabra and platicar at the annual City of Berkeley Latinx Heritage celebration: Berkeley, Escucha, Estamos en la Lucha! Uplifting our Legacies of Resilience and Resistance. President Garcia shared stories of her lived experience, what drives her work in education and how Berkeley City College is centering on being of services to and with the Latinx community in Berkeley. The event was organized by Berkeley Unified School District and Latinos Unidos de Berkeley.

The event also included a student panel facilitated by Berkeley Unified School District Board Director, Ana Vasudeo, and Berkeley students who read poetry and gave voice to what it means to be Latino, Latina and Latinx in Berkeley.


This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. Angélica Garcia, Berkeley City College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, November 9, 2021. Click here to view as a PDF