Peralta Gems

Berkeley City College President's Report - July 12, 2022

Written by Angélica Garcia | Jul 15, 2022 12:33:13 PM

Berkeley City College Visual Arts Student Wins Berkeley PSA Art Contest

Berkeley City College Visual Arts student Jerry Hsiao won first prize in the BCC Art Contest sponsored by the BCC Public Health Club, and funded by the Community Health Education Institute and the City of Berkeley. Club members focus on sugar-sweetened beverage education on the health hazards of sugar, advocacy, and art contests through grants from the Sugar-Sweetened Beverage tax from the City of Berkeley.

“I’m excited to see my work in public, I’ve never seen my artwork this big before. It’s nice to see it!” said Hsiao. “I want to do more art and get my work out there for people to see.”

Last year BCC students were instrumental in advocating with City Council to pass the first Healthy Checkout Lane in the world so that consumers can see healthy products as they check out from stores.

BCC Graphics Art Instructor Michel Bobhot has been instrumental in working with his students to produce award-winning art. Hsaio created the image using Cinema 4D software in Bobhot’s class. Hsaio gave Bobhot high praise as a mentor for competing in this contest.

“Take Michel’s class,” said Hsaio. “He will push you to the limit and he wants you to do really good.”

CHEI has worked with the BCC Art and Graphic Arts Departments for the past 11 years to produce award-winning posters displayed in the CHEI annual art show and with the City of Berkeley to produce student-created no-smoking posters posted in downtown Berkeley on metal street signs and in stores.

CHEI is asking merchants and eateries to post student-created art downtown to educate citizens about the health hazards of sugar, as well as teaching youth to educate and advocate to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages in Berkeley.


BCC COLEGAS Leadership Retreat: Elevating Latino Leadership

The Executive Board and Founding Members of COLEGAS (California Community Colleges Organización de Latinx Empowerment, Guidance, Advocacy for Success) held their
first annual board retreat at Berkeley City College on June 27 through 30. Included in the agenda was a presentation made by Dr. Martín De Mucha Flores, Berkeley City College Associate Dean for Educational Success, and Verónica Montoya, former BCC HSI Director, which provided an overview of the HSI work at Berkeley City College. The presentation was grounded in national, state, and regional data, including 3.3 million Latino students in CA K-12 and representing 56% of all K-12 students in 2021-2022. BCC’s Conocimiento Los Caminos is an HSI federally funded program that focuses on four areas: 1) Student Success (Retention, Completion, Graduation rates), 2) Latinx Transfer Rate, 3) Latinx and Low-income student employment preparation, and 4) Faculty and Staff Professional Development.

Associate Dean of Educational Success Dr. Martín De Mucha Flores provided an inaugural presentation on his dissertation (completed in May 2022), titled “Chicanx and Latinx CEOs: Latinx Educational Leadership in California Community Colleges. His findings expound upon the conceptual framework of “Latino Educational Leadership,” which ultimately includes components to understand whether Latinx leadership is about “ways of being or ways of knowing.” His findings include a visual representation of the conceptual framework illustrated as a nopal, a cactus. These presentations grounded the COLEGAS executive board to remain committed to its revised mission: We elevate authentic Latina/o/x leadership to accelerate change and advance equity for Latina/o/ professionals and students.

COLEGAS is an established chapter of the National Community Colleges Hispanic Council, and American Association of Community Colleges. BCC President Angélica Garcia is a Co-founder and President-Elect of COLEGAS. It formed as a grassroots organization in Spring 2018, following the Chief Student Services Association annual conference, where a group of Latina/o/x leaders engaged in the discussion of serving Latina/o/x students and professionals. During a time when the national landscape included aggressive criminalization of Latino immigrants, caging of Latino children at the borders, and an attack on DACA students, this group began a series of college convenings to gather input directly from faculty, staff, and administrators about their experiences and needs as Latinx professionals.

With over 350 members and over 2,500 webinar participants, COLEGAS has quickly emerged as an organization that provides a culturally grounded and safe space for Latina/o/x to build community, network, and advocate for Latinx students and professionals.

President Garcia expressed gratitude for the organization’s commitment to Latina/o/x professionals and students. On behalf of the COLEGAS board, we are grateful for the support of the BCC community, including Sylvia Espinoza, Catalina Martinez, Christine Trowbridge, Dr. Martín De Mucha Flores, and BCC Student Ambassadors. Dr. Stacey Shears, VP Kuni Hay, and the BCC custodial team.

Please save the date for the COLEGAS annual conference: Pa’delante Juntos Podemos! (Together we go forward) in Long Beach City, November 2 - 5, 2022. The pre-conference is on November 2 and the post-conference is on November 5th.


BCC LevelUP Career Pathway Summer Academy

Berkeley City College held a Q&A session about the upcoming LevelUp academy on Wednesday, June 29. LevelUp is a free eight-week summer academy designed to support BCC scholars’ professional development and career pathway. During the academy, scholars will expand their network, fine-tune interview skills, meet professionals in various fields, and more. The first session began Wednesday, July 6. Each participant will learn how to leverage their mentors and build professional networks throughout their college career. At the end of the program, scholars will have the opportunity to present their transformational take-aways. Berkeley City College is offering the LevelUp Summer Academy 2022 in collaboration with RepresentEd.


BCC Food Pantry Open for Summer Session

The Food Pantry is open in the BCC atrium every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month. Students and staff can pick up fresh vegetables, canned foods, refreshments, and staple foods by showing their student or staff ID cards!


Berkeley City College 2022-2023 Catalog Published

Berkeley City College’s 2022-2023 Course Catalog is now live and posted on our website! Check out all of the latest course offerings and degree programs, and learn more about how to register and enroll in classes, financial aid, and other student services. It’s your guide to preparing for the Fall and Spring semesters.


Fall 2022 Express Registration Dates

Monday through Thursday 2:30 pm-4:30 pm

Express Registration will begin the week before the fall 2022 semester begins, the week the fall 2022 semester begins and the week after the semester has begun. Monday and Tuesdays will be virtual via Zoom, and Wednesdays and Thursdays will be in-person on campus.

August 15th thru 18th

Monday 8/18 Tuesday 8/16 (Zoom) Wednesday 8/17 Thursday 8/18 (in-person)

August 22nd thru 25th

Monday 8/22 Tuesday 8/23 (Zoom) Wednesday 8/24 Thursday 8/25 (in-person)

August 29th thru Sept 1st

Monday 8/29 Tuesday 8/30 (Zoom) Wednesday 8/31 Thursday 9/1 (in-person)



This article is taken from the President’s Report, written by Dr. Angélica Garcia, Berkeley City College President, that was presented to the PCCD Board of Trustees during their regular meeting on Tuesday, July 12, 2022. To view as a pdf, click here.